types of tree frog

Types Of Tree Frog – 15 Most Beautiful In The World

Roughly 400 million years ago the first four-legged fish swam out of the ocean and walked onto land, breathing oxygen from our atmosphere for the very first time. These animals became the ancestors of all land animals today, including humans, and including amphibians. The oldest fossil of a frog ever found dates back 250 million…

Tree Frogs

Tree Frogs – All-About Small & Mighty Amphibians

Tree frogs are fascinating amphibians that spend most of their lifespan living in trees. Those tiny creatures are symbols of the natural world because of their ability to change colors, their adaptations, and their vocal abilities. They differ from others with their nocturnal activity and unique calls. That’s why tree frogs are more often heard…

Frog Life Cycle

Frog Life Cycle

What came first in the life cycle of a frog: the tadpole, the egg, or the frog? Let’s dive into the water to find out! A frog’s life cycle is very different than many animals you may know of. It starts when the mommy and daddy frog fall in love and decide to have baby…



Only 100 years ago if you lived in California or Oregon you might not have ever seen a North American bullfrog. But now bullfrogs are all over North America, and can even be found on other continents. Some scientists think this is a problem because the bullfrog population is growing so quickly in parts of…

Frog 1

Fun Frog Facts

There are lots of interesting frog facts that you might not know, and maybe some frog facts that you do already know. Take a look at these frog facts and see what you can learn. • Frogs are amphibians because they start their frog life cycle as eggs in the water and then turn into tadpoles, which…