What is a Squirrel Nest

What is a Squirrel Nest? – Types & Characteristics

Squirrels are adorable creatures and come from various species, it is believed that the number of species all over the world is greater than 200. Generally, squirrels fall into three categories: flying squirrels, ground squirrels, and tree squirrels. Scientifically known as the Sciuridae family, squirrels are primarily active during warm summers and hibernate in the…

White Squirrel

White Squirrel – Rare & Unique Characteristics

If you came across this article, you might have seen a white squirrel. Albino squirrels are very strange-looking mammals and pretty rare to see. The white-colored fur makes them even more adorable and exciting. The vast majority of white squirrels belong to the species of Eastern gray squirrels. Their coloring can be determined by two…

Black Squirrel

Black Squirrel – An Amazing Result Of Genetic Mutation

Squirrels are adorable creatures, and watching them jump around from brunch to brunch can be pretty entertaining. It is impossible not to love those small rodents’ adorable fluffy tail and large eyes. There are many different species of squirrels. However, the black squirrel is one of the rarest. Black squirrels are extraordinary creatures because of…

Squirrel Monkey

Squirrel Monkey – All About Smart And Weird Looking Mammal

Squirrel monkey is one of the weirdest-looking creatures on Earth. Their big, black eyes, white fur, and black nose make it impossible not to love those animals. Those little mammals are very fast and agile, which is why they are called squirrel monkeys.  Since you came across this article, you must have been wondering about…

Baby Squirrel

Baby Squirrel – Behavior and Traits of Adorable Rodents

Squirrels are adorable little creatures characterized by fluffy tails and silky fur. Watching them jump around on the tree branches, eat nuts and corn, and play around can be entertaining. What is more adorable than a squirrel? If you have seen baby squirrels, you will agree that they are the cutest little animals. Since you…

Squirrel life cycle

Squirrel Life Cycle

All animals on Earth have the same life cycle; we are born, grow up, reproduce, and the cycle continues. However, the life cycles of different creatures are unique. We have all heard about swift, observant, and active animals – cute little squirrels. But what about the squirrel life cycle and lifespan?  Today, we’ll talk about…


About Squirrels

What have you heard about squirrels? They are familiar to almost everyone, and it’s not a big surprise. According to National Geographic, more than 200 squirrel species live all over the world, except for Australia. For some people, squirrels are cute and entertaining. They are often in cartoons or fairytales, and that’s why many kids…

Ground Squirrel

Ground Squirrel

You can literally find ground squirrels all over the world. They encompass all different types of squirrels, from the American red squirrel to the Arctic squirrel to the Mohave ground squirrel. Mind you, these are only three out of very, very many. Naturally, of course, ground squirrels are different from tree squirrels. It is surprisingly easy to see…

Grey Squirrel

Grey Squirrel

We have all either heard of or seen Sciurus caroliniensis – but you will likely know this little animal better as a grey squirrel, or a gray squirrel.  It simply depends on whether or not you like British spelling!  However you spell it, the facts and fundamentals of the animal remain the same.  The average length of the grey…