Thai Devil Crab

Thai Devil Crab – Behavior, Size, and Care Tips

If you don’t believe in superstitions, don’t pay attention to verbal meanings, and are a devotee of the extraordinary, you should unquestionably consider the Thai Devil Crab as an inhabitant of your aquarium. Just saying its name sounds exciting, not to mention the visuals of this crab!  Thai Devil Crabs can make captivating pets for…

Crab Life Cycle

Crab Life Cycle

Who hasn’t heard of these incredible creatures? Crabs now come in more than 6,700 different species and can live in various habitats, including freshwater, the salty ocean environment, and along the beach. While some live entirely on land, they are always close to water of some kind. Did you know that crabs keep the environment…

Crab Larvae

Crab Larvae – Unique & Mysterious Development

Crabs are fascinating creatures. They come in over 6,700 species and live in various habitats. While some of them prefer freshwater, others like the salty ocean environment. Some live entirely on land, yet they are constantly close to the water of some kind. Because they maintain the environment, crabs are highly significant creatures. Additionally, they…