Argentine Ants

Argentine Ants

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Arthropoda Class:       Insecta Order:        Hymenoptera Family:     Formicidae Subfamily:  Dolichoderinae Tribe:        Dolichoderini Genus:        Linepithema Species:        L. Humile Binomial name:        Linepithema humile You find the Argentine ants, Linepithema Humile (formerly known as Iridomyrmex Humilis), living mainly in northern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. This invasive…

Pet Hermit Crab Facts

Pet Hermit Crab Facts

Hermit crabs make fun and interesting pets – in fact, they are probably more interesting than you know! In order to have one of these creatures as a pet, it is absolutely essential that you know a few vital hermit crab facts. Fortunately, this can make for a fun learning experience as well. So, what…