Ant larvae

Ant Larvae

Are you aware of the social activities of ants and their capacity to thrive in a wide range of habitats? These characteristics are indeed the main reasons why ants are among the most widespread and widely known insects on our planet.  Like most other animal communities, one of the main factors influencing the widespread existence…

Ant Life Cycle

Ant Life Cycle

Do you want to discover some significant details about the ant life cycle? Ants are fascinating creatures in many aspects, from the egg stage to adulthood. According to National Geographic, there are more than 10,000 different species of ants. Believe it or not, they can make up to half of all the insects present in…

Argentine Ants

Argentine Ants

Scientific Classification Kingdom:   Animalia Phylum:     Arthropoda Class:       Insecta Order:        Hymenoptera Family:     Formicidae Subfamily:  Dolichoderinae Tribe:        Dolichoderini Genus:        Linepithema Species:        L. Humile Binomial name:        Linepithema humile You find the Argentine ants, Linepithema Humile (formerly known as Iridomyrmex Humilis), living mainly in northern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. This invasive…