Ground Beetle

Ground Beetles

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Suborder: Adephaga (Unranked): Geadephaga Superfamily: Caraboidea Family: Carabidae The Ground beetle family consists of cosmopolitan members, including 40,000 species, out of which 2,000 species are seen in North America, and around 2700 species are seen in Europe. The Carabidae family is one of the biggest…

Flesh Eating Beetles

Flesh Eating Beetles

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Infraorder: Bostrichiformia Superfamily: Bostrichoidea Family: Dermestidae The Dermestridae family comprises of beetles that are commonly termed skin beetles. There are more than 500 – 700 species of beetles in this family. Most of them are scavengers by nature that feed on the parts of dry…


Do Carpet Beetles Bite?

At the beginning of 1948, many groups of researchers and dermatologists studied the case histories of several patients who were affected with severe dermatitis as a reaction to coming in contact with the species, the carpet beetles that belong to the family Coleoptera. They also experienced other symptoms, including papulovesicular eruptions, priorities, and itching. Many…

Carrion Beetle

Carrion Beetle

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Suborder: Adephaga (Unranked): Geadephaga Superfamily: Caraboidea Family: Carabidae The beetles of the Silphidae family are commonly referred to as Carrion beetles, Burying beetles, or Large Carrion beetles. This family consists of two subfamilies, namely, Nicrophorinae and Silphinae. The members belonging to the Nicrophorinae group are…

Carpet Beetle Larva

Carpet Beetle Larva

Larvae of the Carpet Beetle   Carpet beetles undergo complete metamorphosis. In length, the life cycle of these beetles ranges from two months to many years. The life cycle of these beetles starts when the adult female beetles lay their eggs. They can lay their eggs indoors and also infest the mice, nests of birds,…

Yellow Ladybug

Yellow Ladybug – Biological Characteristics Of “Lucky” Beetles

Ladybugs are tiny beetles found all around the world. There are more than 6,000 species of ladybugs known today. The most common among all species are red ladybugs. However, those little critters also come in pink, black, white, and yellow. One of the most beautiful types is yellow ladybugs. Those cute creatures are often called…