
How Long Do Cats Live?

There are many factors that can affect the life expectancy of a cat. Some are related to the care the pet receives while others involve issues over which her caretakers have no control. So how long do cats live? In general, terms, when considering how long cats live, the life expectancy of a domesticated indoor…

Cat in Bed

Should I Bathe My Cat?

Luckily for us human cat owners, cats bathe themselves pretty frequently. A cat uses her rough, sandpaper-like tongue to run through her fur coat and clear it of dirt and foreign objects. She distributes saliva throughout the fur, which helps draw out the dirt the same way that water and shampoo draw dirt and product…


Aromatherapy and How It Can Help Treat Cats

Aromatherapy uses essential oils as well as additional natural compounds to provoke beneficial changes. These oils are taken from various substances including flowers and seeds. In one form or another, aromatherapy has been used on humans since ancient times. In this article, we will examine aromatherapy and its role in treating cats. While the idea…