Lion Facts for Kids

Lion Facts for Kids – Everything You Need to Know

Contrary to their popularly known name “king of the jungle,” lions live in grasslands, open woodlands, and scrubs of sub-Saharan Africa. Slightly dwarfed by the tiger, lions are the second-largest cats globally with almost similar body types as tigers. Unlike other cats, lions are very social animals, and they live in groups called “prides.” a…

What Do Cheetahs Eat

What Do Cheetahs Eat?

Mainly distributed throughout Africa and with a smaller population in Iran, Cheetahs exist in four different subspecies. All the subspecies look pretty similar, but genetically, they are quite different, and the differences are so prominent to consider them scientifically distinct. Cheetahs require a bit of space, good grassland, savannah habitat, and limited numbers of other…

Skittish Kitten

Skittish Kittens

Skittish is a term to describe cats that are extremely fearful of humans. Skittish kittens run and hide as soon as humans come around. It is a behavior that starts when the cat is young and gets worse if the cat comes upon a mean human, such as a cranky neighbor who shoes the cat…