Best Books for Cat Lovers to Read Right Now

5 Best Books for Cat Lovers to Read Right Now

Sometimes we think we know everything about our cats. However, most of the time, it’s not really the case. After all, there must be a reason why authors enjoy writing about cats this much. It turns out that there are numerous books dedicated to cats, their behaviors, characteristics, and the way they think, feel, and act. 

You can’t possibly read all of them and that’s not necessary either. But if you’re a bookworm with a cat eager to get to know their feline friend from top to bottom, you might be looking for a good book to read about them. Or maybe you’re searching for a gift idea for someone who adores their cat. In either way, we’ll try to make this article as practical as possible. Let’s start discussing our top picks from the best books on cats.

Best Books for Cat Lovers

1. The Cat Behavior Answer Book

The Cat Behavior Answer Book

The first pick on our list is indeed the most practical book you can possibly read on cats. It’s an illustrated book written by Arden Moore in 2007. Moore is a famous author in the field of animals. She knows so much about cats and dogs that she even hosts a TV show called Oh! Behave Show on Pet Life Radio. As a result of her simple, intriguing writing style, Arden has become one of the most highly demanded pet experts.

‘The Cat Behavior Answer Book’ is just one of her many books that serve as a guide to how a certain pet behaves. According to customers, it’s especially effective for parents whose children have essays to write about their pets. While using online resources such as essay writing service can be incredibly valuable in students’ lives to refine their essays, using a good old-fashioned way like reading a guidebook about cat behavior can still be a great starting point for an essay about cats.

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2. The Behaviour of the Domestic Cat, 2nd Edition

The Behaviour of the Domestic Cat, 2nd Edition

Nevertheless, ‘The Cat Behavior Answer Book’ isn’t the only guidebook you can read about cats. In fact, there are multiple great books that scientifically discuss cat behavior. ‘The Behaviour of the Domestic Cat’ is one of them, specifically dedicated to domestic cats. The book is written by three authors — John W. S. Bradshaw, Sarah L. Brown, and Rachel Casey — who aren’t quite famous. However, it’s definitely a great resource that explains everything about how people domesticated cats, how their habits developed, and almost every single detail about their physiology and psychology. 

The second edition of this book seems to be pretty popular on Amazon and as users believe, it’s especially a nice gift for anyone who has a little kitten and is looking for ways to learn how to train them.

3. Pawmistry: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe with Cats

Pawmistry: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe with Cats

After hearing the name ‘Pawmistry’ you might have even guessed that the third book on our list isn’t actually scientific. Rather, it’s a more spiritual book that explains how cats can predict the future and interpret the messages you, as their owner, receive from the universe. The book was created by the author of the best-selling ‘Cat Tarot’Megan Lynn Kott. Considering that she’s a professional illustrator, it’s no wonder that the book comes with lots of beautiful and impressive illustrations.

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Anyone who believes in spiritual practices or even those who just want to explore the symbols behind their actions, will like this book. But if you’re looking for a guide for magical practices with your cat, then it’s a real treasure trove for you.

4. Catakism: Bow to the Meow

Catakism: Bow to the Meow

Speaking of fun and enjoyable cat books, a book named ‘Catakism’ also deserves a valuable place on this list. According to the author, Jeff Lazarus, sometimes our cats own us and we don’t even realize it. And indeed, have you noticed how much of your time and effort you have dedicated to your feline friend recently? As Lazaurs claims, that’s because they make us handle their low-level needs while they, themselves, take care of spiritual work, such as meditating. 

Even though this may sound a bit strange and you might not like the author’s provocative ideas, this book is another must-read for cat owners. At least, it will make you doubt your behaviors and question whether or not your pet actually owns you.

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5. Immortal Cat

Immortal Cat

And the final book on our list is neither a guide nor a science. In fact, it’s a fiction book that tells the story of an emotionally unstable, suicidal man and his cat, who has cancer. The book is a debut for Brandan Gee. His decision to start writing was impulsive — one day he just decided to grab his father’s laptop and mimic Stephen King. As a result, we received ‘Immortal Cat,’ which inspired lots of cat lovers around the world.

‘Immortal Cat’ is a dark comedy that contains elements of sci-fi. It’s an engaging story of a relationship between a man and his cat. 

Bottom Line

As you can see, books about cats can be either about scientific facts, fictional stories, ways to train them, or even spiritual practices. Regardless of the purpose for which you’re looking for a cat-related book, if you’re a cat parent, chances are you’ll enjoy all of our hand-picked books. So, grab either the physical form of these books or read online versions of them through Amazon Kindle to get inspired and inform yourself about felines’ behaviors.

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