Monarch Butterfly Eating

What Do Monarch Butterflies Eat?

Monarch Butterflies are sometimes called Milkweed Butterflies because of their symbiotic relationship with milkweed. They cannot survive without plants in the genus Asclepias. However, a full answer to the question of butterfly nutrition, considering all the sources of nourishment the insects take in during the four stages of the Monarch Butterfly life cycle, goes beyond milkweed,…

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Monarch Butterfly Facts

Monarch Butterflies attract a lot of attention. Many students, entomologists, and hobbyists have discovered fun facts about this species. Here are some bonus facts. Monarch Butterfly Habitat Danaus plexippusis basically a North American species, although our Monarchs also live in the South Pacific and have been found as strays on all continents. Other parts of the…

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The Vanishing Monarch Butterflies

Although the story we know of the Monarch Butterfly life cycle has been known for a relatively short time, Monarch Butterflies have acquired many layers of meaning for North Americans. Like butterflies, they can symbolize living in the moment, lightheartedness, and even frivolity. As insects that undergo a complete metamorphosis, they also suggest symbolism of…

What Do Foxes Eat

What Do Foxes Eat: Fox Diet!

Foxes eat a broad variety of things in the wild. However, their diet is predominantly meat-based. In general, they will hunt animals when accessible and available, but if they can’t get meat, foxes have no problems eating vegetables and fruit. They like high-protein, fatty meals such as fish, eggs, and small birds. They do, however,…

What Do Cheetahs Eat

What Do Cheetahs Eat?

Mainly distributed throughout Africa and with a smaller population in Iran, Cheetahs exist in four different subspecies. All the subspecies look pretty similar, but genetically, they are quite different, and the differences are so prominent to consider them scientifically distinct. Cheetahs require a bit of space, good grassland, savannah habitat, and limited numbers of other…

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Butterfly Pictures: Blue Morpho Butterfly

There are almost 24,000 species of butterflies in the world. One of the prettiest types of butterflies is the Blue Morpho butterflies.  Not only is this beautiful butterfly one of the most sought after by collectors, but also just looking at its metallic-like wings is mesmerizing.  While it appears that the Blue Morpho butterfly’s wings are metallic blue, they aren’t the…