Ground Beetle

Ground Beetles

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Suborder: Adephaga (Unranked): Geadephaga Superfamily: Caraboidea Family: Carabidae The Ground beetle family consists of cosmopolitan members, including 40,000 species, out of which 2,000 species are seen in North America, and around 2700 species are seen in Europe. The Carabidae family is one of the biggest…


Are ladybugs Poisonous?

Though named Ladybugs, they are actually beetles, which are commonly termed ladybird beetles, in Europe. They possess bright body colors, which act as a signal to predators about their foul taste and poisonous body content. But to see the ill-effect in humans, a man will have to eat at least a hundred bugs. It is…