Siberian Chipmunk

Siberian Chipmunk

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Suborder:  Sciuromorpha Family:  Sciuridae Tribe:  Marmotini Subtribe:  Tamiina Genus:  Tamias Chipmunks belong to the family of rodents. Anatomy The Siberian chipmunks are typical of having five dark and white stripes, 18 to 25 cm long on their backs; the middle stripe is continuous along the…

Deer Mouse

Deer Mouse

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Family:  Cricetidae Genus:  Peromyscus Species:  Maniculatus The Most Well-Known and Widespread Animal in North America Deer mouse Peromyscus Mniculatus is one of the species of the genus Peromyscus. It is the most well-known and widespread animal in North America that most people know by its common…

Short-eared Elephant Shrew

Short-eared Elephant Shrew

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Macroscelidea Family:  Macroscelididae Genus:  Macroscelides Species:  M. proboscideus Binomial name:  Macroscelides proboscideus The short-eared elephant shrew Macroscelides Proboscideus, otherwise called round-eared elephant shrew or as round-eared sengi, belonging to the family of Macroscelididae, is a variety of elephant shrew. There is only one of its variety…

Golden Hamster

Golden Hamster

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Subphylum:  Vertebrata Class:  Mammalia Order: Rodentia Suborder:  Myomorpha Superfamily:  Muroidea Family:  Cricetidae Subfamily:  Cricetinae Genus:  Mesocricetus Species:  M. auratus Binomial name:  Mesocricetus auratus Hamster Mesocericetus auraturs or the Golden Hamster or Syrian Hamster, , belongs to the subfamily of the rodent Cricetinae. They are at risk in the wild;…

Emin's Pouched Rat

Emin’s Pouched Rat

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Superfamily:  Muroidea Family:  Nesomyidae Subfamily:  Cricetomyinae Genus:  Cricetomys Species:  C. emini Binomial name:  Crycetomys emini Emin’s pouched rat (cricetomys emini), otherwise called African pouched rat belonging to the muriod super family, is a big rat. It has a close association with the cricetomys gambianus, the…