Cooter Turtles

Cooter Turtles – All About Fascinating And Remarkable Reptiles

Are you a fan of turtles? If you are, then you’ve probably heard of the Cooter turtle. These fascinating creatures are a popular choice for pet owners and nature enthusiasts alike. But did you know that there is so much more to these turtles than meets the eye? In this article, we’ll take a closer…

Black Night Leopard Gecko

Black Night Leopard Gecko: Facts and Care Guide

Lizards are first known to have come into this world during the late-Permian period, dating back to between 240-and-260 million years ago. It is believed that geckos separated their lineage from other lizards between 180-and-225 million years ago. The Gecko genera is made up of five subfamilies, including of course, the leopard gecko, a favorite…

Garden Snake

Garden Snake – Fascinating Facts & Ways to Keep Them Away

Have you heard about garden snakes? This is a family of widespread, non-venomous snakes also referred to as garter snakes. Garden snakes live in a range of environments and, believe it or not, can be very useful in yards and gardens. However, there are several ways to keep garden snakes away from your garden. Do…

Can snakes swim

Can Snakes Swim?

Whether you adore them or avoid them, snakes are very interesting creatures. One of the most interesting facts about snakes is that they lack arms and legs, unlike other reptiles. However, they may still navigate through a variety of terrain even without appendages. They have the ability to climb mountain sides and crawl to the…

Turtle Life Cycle

Turtle Life Cycle

Turtles are remarkable reptiles that have been sauntering throughout the globe for more than a century. Whether on land, in freshwater ponds and rivers, or in the sea, different turtle species can be found in various habitats. They take pride in being the only animals to walk around with a shell, which they can use…

Lizard life cycle

Lizard Life Cycle

General Information About Lizards Did you know that these reptile species have persisted for about 200 million years? Their characteristics depend on the species. For instance, in some species, lizards can weigh as little as 0.5 gms or as much as 150 kgs, like Komodo dragons. These reptiles live on land, mainly underground in winter,…

Snake life cycle

Snake Life Cycle

Remember these legless creatures that many people are afraid of? Snakes belong to the Squamata order and the Serpentes suborder. Because some species of these reptiles are venomous and deadly, many people have developed snake phobias, and rarely can a person have positive feelings toward snakes.  However, beginning from the snake life cycle to its…

What Do Alligators Eat

What Do Alligators Eat?

Alligators are famous for their large jaws and sharp teeth. They are large reptiles and belong to the family of Alligatoridae. There are currently two extant species, including the Chinese alligator and the American alligator. According to the research, they first appeared around 37 million years ago. Well, even with one look at their huge…