Prairie Dog

Prairie Dog

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Suborder:  Sciuromorpha Family:  Sciuridae Tribe:  Marmotini Genus:  Cynomys People refer to Prairie dogs as burrowing rodents. They occupy huge colonies in the grassy areas of Western and Central North America. The five varieties of prairie dogs (tailed prairie dog tailed prairie dog, Utah, black-tailed and…

Guinea Pigs as Pets

Guinea Pigs as Pets

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Suborder:  Hystricomorpha Family:  Caviidae Subfamily:  Caviinae Genus:  Cavia Species:  C. porcellus Binomial name:  Cavia porcellus The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), otherwise known as cavy, is a variation of a typical rodent of the Cavidae family of Cavia genes. Regardless of their usual name, they do not…

Flying Squirrel

Flying Squirrel

Scientific Classification Kingdom:  Animalia Phylum:  Chordata Class:  Mammalia Order:  Rodentia Family:  Sciuridae Subfamily:  Sciurinae Tribe:  Pteromyini The scientific name for Flying Squirrels is Petauristini or Pteromyni, These belong to the 44 varieties of the tribes of squirrels. Unlike bats or birds, they cannot really fly high; they glide between trees. Flying squirrel belongs to the…