Where do snails live

Where Do Snails Live?

You might have seen a snail at least once in your garden or while walking in the park. The snail family contains many different species with unique appearances and characteristics. Have you ever wondered where do snails live? All of the snail species have different needs and live in different habitats. Keep on reading if…

Desert Hairy Scorpions

Desert Hairy Scorpion: Everything You Need to Know

Scorpions are one of the first animals to have ever evolved on this world, the first of their species evolving around 460 million years ago. They have formed into nearly 2000 different species that still exist today, from Emperor scorpions, Desert Hairy scorpions, and more dangerous species such as Deathstalkers and Indian Red scorpions. Scorpions…

Emperor Scorpions

Emperor Scorpions: Everything You Need To Know

Scorpions are one of the worlds oldest animals, the first of their species evolving around 460 million years ago. The most recognizable genus, to most humans, are emperor scorpions. Continue reading to learn all about them! The History of Scorpions Scorpions evolved in water, some having a telson (stinger), and others not possessing a telson….

Jellyfish life cycle

Jellyfish Life Cycle – Life stages, Death & Fascinating Facts

What have you heard about the jellyfish life cycle? Most likely, when you see a jellyfish, you picture a translucent, bell-shaped creature with long, slender tentacles. Although famous, it simply represents the “Medusa” phase of a true scyphozoan jellyfish before it expires.  The only jellyfish that most people have ever seen are fully mature ones…

what do snails eat

What Do Snails Eat?

Snails are versatile animals and one of the rare species that have adapted to the majority of ecosystems on Earth. These mollusks can be found on all continents except Antarctica. While certain snail species, such as freshwater snails, inhabit coastal areas, many others are found on land in various habitats, such as deserts, mountains, and…

Crab Life Cycle

Crab Life Cycle

Who hasn’t heard of these incredible creatures? Crabs now come in more than 6,700 different species and can live in various habitats, including freshwater, the salty ocean environment, and along the beach. While some live entirely on land, they are always close to water of some kind. Did you know that crabs keep the environment…

how do spiders mate

How Do Spiders Mate?

Spiders are one of the most interesting creatures on Earth. There are more than 50,000 species of spiders that live all around the world. They are unique insects and can be found in many different habitats. Those 8-legged arthropods are seen everywhere, starting from houses, and ending in the deserts.  Since you came across this…

How Long Do Spiders Live

How Long Do Spiders Live?

Even though many people are afraid of spiders, they are very interesting creatures and have a pretty intriguing existence. We can all agree that some of the spider’s habits are truly amazing, and learning more about them can be a very entertaining thing to do.  Since you came across this article, you must be wondering…

Crab Larvae

Crab Larvae – Unique & Mysterious Development

Crabs are fascinating creatures. They come in over 6,700 species and live in various habitats. While some of them prefer freshwater, others like the salty ocean environment. Some live entirely on land, yet they are constantly close to the water of some kind. Because they maintain the environment, crabs are highly significant creatures. Additionally, they…

Spider Life Cycle

Spider Life Cycle

All spiders share the same basic life cycle, from the smallest jumping spider to the biggest tarantula. The main stages of the spider life cycle include – egg, spiderling, and adult stages. Even though each of these three phases of their development is specific, they still differ from species to species. The interesting thing about…