Jumping Spider

Jumping Spider

Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider

The Life Cycle of a Jumping Spider

The lifecycle of a jumping spider ranges from 6 months to 2 years. Jumping spiders could survive up to 3 years in confinement. Jumping spiders’ existence is influenced by their habitat and gender. Female jumping spiders have a better lifespan than males.

The longest living jumping spider recorded was a female brave jumping spider (Phidippus audax) who survived for 3 years. The duration of a jumping spider’s life is also influenced by weather and location. Jumping spiders that have to hibernate for several weeks throughout the winter are more inclined to thrive more. Let’s explore the 4 phases of the jumping spider’s existence: egg, eggsac, spiderlings, and adult.

Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider

The Biology

Jumping spiders are fantastic acrobats that live up to their name. They have the ability to jump 50 times their maximum height. They accomplish this by pushing circulation through their limbs, which enables them to stretch their body extremely fast. They may then bounce at any angle they like by extending their limbs.

Jumping spiders, unlike other creatures, never use their networks as a strategy for hunting or catching prey. Rather than leaping, they employ their terrific limbs to attack prey. Jumping spiders consume various bugs, including crickets, moths, and black flies. The only reason you’ll witness these creatures utilize their networks is for security or to build some type of protective barrier.

The extraordinary vision among all jumping spiders is such a thing they share in common. Jumping spiders exhibit the best eyesight of every spider, which is essential for their leaping and capturing the target. They feature four eyeballs. The main eyeballs of a jumping spider are the two in the middle, which is required to detect depth and primary colors. These main eyeballs are exceptional as their corneas have nerves closely correlated to them, allowing them to rotate their corneas upwards and downwards and left to right without turning their faces. The additional eyeballs are needed for distant sight.

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The Life Cycle


Females maintain spermatophores in storage after pairing till they are willing to produce eggs. The number of eggs laid by a female spider is highly dependent on the breed. But, the number of eggs might range from a few hundred or even thousands. When she’s prepared, she’ll place her embryos in an egg sack she’s created from thick silken that would shield and nourish her growing babies from the environment. Based on the breed, a typical egg sac can hold a few dozen or many more eggs.

Egg Sac

Female spiders make an egg sack composed of silken to protect their offspring from predators. Predators and the environment can’t consume or destroy the embryos since they’re protected by egg membranes. Many spiders may carry their egg sack till the embryos are prepared to mature, while the rest may deposit the egg sack in a safe spot and keep it till the babies are prepared to sprout. Many spider larvae may survive the cold weather in the sack and hatch in the early summer, based on the climate. The embryos would start to emerge after some weeks.

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The egg sack is carried by the females of wolf spiders. Whenever the spiderlings are set to emerge, they would tear the sack apart and release them. The offspring of these subspecies also linger up to 10 days clinging to their mom’s spine.


Spiderlings are juvenile spiders that look like their mothers although are significantly tiny when they initially emerge from their egg sack. They scatter instantly, some wandering and several flying.

Ballooning spiderlings would crawl onto a tree or other protruding surface and lift their torsos. They emit silk strands from their dorsal spines, allowing them to be carried along by the air. Whereas most spiderlings could only be transported for small distances, others can be lifted to incredible heights and over massive lengths.

When the spiderlings get bigger, they may molt several times, leaving them exposed till the new shell has fully formed. Between 5 or 10 molts, many creatures achieve maturity. The male spiders in certain kinds would be completely developed when they emerge from the sack. Since female spiders are usually bigger than male spiders, they develop very slowly.

Adult, the Sexually Mature Stage

Whenever the spider enters maturity, it is sexually mature and restarts the entire process. Female spiders end up living more than male spiders, and males generally pass away after breeding. Spiders have a short lifespan ranging from 1 to 2 years; however, this depends on the species.

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Spiders live for an exceptionally long time. Female jumping spiders can live for up to 20 years. They keep molting even after they enter maturity. If a female jumping spider molts after pairing, she would have to partner again since she removes her shell and the sperm deposit tube.


Jumping spiders pursue their victim carefully before leaping to immobilize and kill it. (This target grabbing behavior is frequently compared to a feline sneaking up.) The jump might be multiple times the height of their torso. Jumping spiders do not possess the expanded and powerful limbs observed in jumping bugs; therefore, they walk by quickly changing the hydrostatic fluid of their veins. Fluids are forced into the rear limbs by muscle activity, causing them to expand very fast.

Whenever an individual or other possible predator is spotted, contrary to some spiders, several jumping spiders would stay still and move towards them. They might also follow it instead of escaping for safety, which is an extremely strange habit for spiders. Jumping spiders, on the other hand, really aren’t hostile and will only attack if they are trapped. Most kinds’ jaws are extremely weak to puncture the epidermis, but if they do, a jumping spider attack causes just little discomfort and no consequences. But, most spider bites that cause bleeding must be cleaned to prevent bacterial development.

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