Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Having discovered a fondness for insects while pursuing her degree in Biology, Randi Jones was quite bugged to know that people usually dismissed these little creatures as “creepy-crawlies”.
Having discovered a fondness for insects while pursuing her degree in Biology, Randi Jones was quite bugged to know that people usually dismissed these little creatures as “creepy-crawlies”.
During the growth stage, a butterfly goes through a complicated development process called metamorphosis. This word has a Greek origin and translates as a transformation or change. The butterfly’s development and metamorphosis include 4 main stages — egg stage, larvae, pupa, and adult butterfly. The butterfly larvae are also known as caterpillars. It is believed…
The following list of butterflies are found in Virginia. Clicking on the text link will show you a picture of the butterfly and which specific counties in Virginia the butterfly is found in. Each link also provides more information about the butterfly’s identification and life history. This will help you decide which Butterfly Nectar Plants and Butterfly Host Plants you will want…
Randy Jones Having discovered a fondness for insects while pursuing her degree in Biology, Randi Jones was quite bugged to know that people usually dismissed these little creatures as “creepy-crawlies”. READ MORE: Orange Tip Sulphur
These butterflies are native to Mexico, Central America, northern South America, and the Caribbean. The underside of their wings is pale brownish, while the upperside is dark with a distinct bright blue band. Randy Jones Having discovered a fondness for insects while pursuing her degree in Biology, Randi Jones was quite bugged to know that…
The following list of butterflies are found in Michigan. Clicking on the text link will show you a picture of the butterfly and which specific counties in Michigan the butterfly is found in. Each link also provides more information about the butterfly’s identification and life history. This will help you decide which Butterfly Nectar Plants and Butterfly Host Plants you will want…
The blue swallowtail butterflies also known as pipevine swallowtails are found in North America and Central America. This butterfly is black with iridescent-blue hindwings. They are found in many different habitats, but are most commonly found in forests. The butterfly can be frequently found in warmer and more temperate environments.You can easily spot these in…